Wilma delivered her second litter of future Assistance Dogs today....11 healthy golden lab puppies. Five boys and 6 girls. Eleven must be Wilma's lucky number! The delivery went very smoothly with no problems. The first 3 pups were born within 1o minutes! The first pup was born at 6:10 and and at 6:20, puppies 2 and 3 decided to come out together! An hour and a half into it, we had 6 puppies! Wilma was a puppy machine! The littlest pup is 15.4 oz and the biggest is1 lb 3 oz. A very even sized litter.
Wilma seemed much stronger this time around. Or maybe just more experienced. She is doing very well and is sleeping with the pups now.
Mr. Orange, just minutes old.
Wilma watches over her new puppies.
Wilma's tail is wrapped to keep all the fluff out of the way. It's a self sticky fabric wrap, used for horses. It really helps. Last time she wore hot pink. This time we went with aqua.
After number 11 was born, Wilma continued to have contractions and grunt. I thought number 12 was on it's way! After a call the vet, I brought her in to be x-rayed, which showed she was clean.
Way to go, Wilma!! Your pups are adorable, and you look like a beautiful mommy. I can't wait to see these little guys grow up!
Congrats to you Wilma... and Laura too....
Looks like motherhood agrees with you the second time around
Happy birthday to my brothers & sisters. You are a great mommy! we'll be watching your pups grow.
Wilma, what's that on your tail?
The green wrap is called Vet wrap.
Flurry Looks forward to seeing Wilma/Laker babies around.
Yow, another large litter! Welcome to the planet little ones. I'm so glad everything went well , Laura, and imagine you'll really need that champagne tonight:-)
Have a wonderful New year, with 44 brand new little feet in the house.
Congrats Miss Wilma!
The babys are beautiful!
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