Mr. Red, Clifford, started life weighing only 10 oz. Today, he weighs in at 5 lbs 13 oz., still very small for a 6 week old golden. But he doesn't know it. He runs and wrestles and tugs on toys and tails just like his bigger siblings. When they were still nursing, he would push his way in to find his spot. He is very independent and not afraid to investigate on his own. He is sweet and playful and likes to climb on top of his siblings.
The biggest, Mr. Green, Sparty, was 1 lb 2 oz. at birth, same as Yellow Wayne. But the next day he was 1 lb 4 oz and has since always been a few ozs ahead of the others. Today he is 8 lbs 11 oz. Sparty's paws are big and his legs, thick and strong. He is going to be a big boy! Sparty is independant and is usually the one off on his own either digging at a corner or sniffing out something new. He can often be found sleeping alone, stretched out on a toy, but not to far away from the pile of puppies. He was the first to conquer the step and likes to play king of the hill with the others. And when I pick him up, he melts in my arms.
It'll be interesting to see how each grows and how big they end up getting to be.
12 years ago
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